Tax Forms Law

people who file their own state and federal taxes typically starts with IRS
Form 1040, but this is far from the only form you will need, or even the only
possible form you can file. As an international tax attorney, I’ve seen it all. Typically, there are three different IRS income tax forms to choose from, and to claim certain deductions you need to attach separate forms that prove your eligibility for the deduction. Keep in mind however, that tax laws change on a regular basis and that this article, like all information on the web, could be outdated so be sure to call us for a free consultation if you avhe questions. With that said, let’s continue…

Which Tax Form Should I Use?

individual taxpayers will file one of three basic tax forms; Form 1040EZ, Form
1040A, or Form 1040. Form 1040EZ is the easiest and most streamlined to use. To
qualify to use 1040EZ there can’t be any complications relating to household
wages paid to a household employee, certain kinds of deduction or credit
payments, dependents, or other complications.

who do not qualify to use Form 1040EZ may be qualified to file the alternative
Form 1040A, which permits a greater range of tax credits and deductions. Form
1040A remains greatly streamlined and does not permit itemized deductions,
dependents, or certain other complicating elements. Those who do not qualify to
use Form 1040A may still employ Form 1040 to itemize deductions, claim
adjustments and credits, or have other complications such as excise tax or
uncollected employee tax.

Taxpayer Assistance Resources

complicated nature of tax codes can make filing taxes stressful and confusing.
If you are feeling overwhelmed there are a number of agencies and organizations
that offer assistance to taxpayers. If you have questions about how to file,
exemptions, forms to use, filing status, or other issues related to tax laws
one of the organizations listed may be able to help.

resources include national programs such as the IRS’s Taxpayer Advocate
Service, the Intuit/Turbo Tax Freedom Project, and the America Pledge Offer. Active
members of the U.S. Armed Forces may be eligible for assistance from the U.S.
Armed Forces Tax Information provided by the IRS. Seniors may find taxpayer
assistance through The American Association of Retired People’s Tax Aide
Service or from the 60 Plus Association, both of which focus on tax issues
affecting seniors, as well as resources relating to the “death” tax
and Social Security.

IRS Forms and Publications

addition to the other resources available here there are a number of sections
available that provide access to the bewildering array of forms the IRS and
state tax authorities’ use in the administration of their tax programs. These
sections are conveniently divided so that you can look at your state specific
tax forms, the IRS forms and publications that are most frequently requested by
taxpayers, as well as comprehensive databases of federal tax forms and
resources. Some of these resources are searchable by subject and many will
direct you to the agency websites where you can fill a form out online,
download and print a form, and in some cases allow you to submit forms

Where Do I File My Taxes?

you complete your return, the next step is to send it to the IRS. You can do so
by mailing it in the old-fashioned way or filing it online. Below, you’ll find
more information about your filing options.

Filing Your Return Electronically

If you
have access to the Internet and an email address, you can file a tax return
electronically using the IRS’s “e-file” system. The IRS offers four ways
to e-file your return:

  • If your Adjusted
    Gross Income (AGI) is less than $57,000, you can use “Free
    File,” the free tax preparation software from the IRS;
  • You can do the
    math yourself and simply fill in the forms on the IRS website;
  • You can use tax
    preparation software, follow the prompts, and press “send” once
    your forms are complete; or
  • You can hire an
    accountant to prepare your taxes and file them for you.

IRS also allows you to pay your taxes electronically using its online system.
You can specify whether you would like your refund deposited directly into your
bank account or mailed to you by check.

has several benefits over filing by mail. For one, most tax preparation
software will do the math for you and help you catch careless errors.
Electronically filed tax returns also tend to be processed faster than paper
returns, which means you’ll get your refund faster if you’re owed one.

Mailing Your Return

you could mail in your tax return. Before you do, it’s worth double checking
your forms to make sure they’re accurate and the calculations are correct. Be
sure to include a check or indicate when you’ll pay your taxes if necessary.
Just like e-filing, you can choose to receive your refund by check or by direct

make sure you’re sending your tax returns to the correct address. If an
addressed envelope came with your tax forms package, you should use it to mail
your return. If you don’t have an addressed envelope, check the IRS’s site for
the specific addresses for each state and each type of tax return.

Tax Attorney Free Consultation

When you need legal help with tax forms, please call Ascent Law for your free tax law consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.

Michael R. Anderson, JD

Ascent Law LLC
8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C
West Jordan, Utah
84088 United States

Telephone: (801) 676-5506

from Michael Anderson